Prospect, KY

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Find Top Financial Advisors in Prospect, Kentucky

There are hundreds of financial professionals in your area. However, choosing the right advisor that understands your financial situation and meets your needs may be quite daunting. WiserAdvisor has a network of vetted financial advisors and advisory firms and has listed them below. You can find the details of each advisor, such as their qualifications, service offerings, etc., that you could use while searching for the financial advisor that best suits your financial and investment goals.

We have been in business for the last 2 decades and constantly update and maintain a highly trusted directory of vetted fiduciary advisors that meet rigorous standards.

Finding the Top Financial Advisor in Prospect, Kentucky

Last Updated - May 13, 2024

Prospect has 1 WiserAdvisor vetted Financial Planners and Advisors on the online list below for you to choose from. These financial advisors in Prospect, Kentucky have an average of 26 years of experience.

NOTE: The list of vetted financial advisors in Prospect, Kentucky mentioned below does not include all the advisors in our network due to their compliance listing restrictions. More vetted advisors may be available when you use our free match service to compare financial advisors near you in Prospect, Kentucky.

Qualified Financial Advisors in Prospect, Kentucky

Financial Advisor Experience AUM Minimum Assets Fee Structure
Tom Nemec
7310 Turfway Road Suite 550,
Florence, KY 41042
26 Years Not Specified Not Specified Fee-Based

Are you a Financial Advisor in Prospect?

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Information on Qualified Financial Advisors in Prospect, Kentucky

Qualifications CRD# 3063208
Firm CRD# 104510
Series 65

Compensation/Fee Fee-Based

Office Location 7310 Turfway Road Suite 550,
Phone Number 513-619-5794

I'm a financial planner with experience in securities, investment strategies, and retirement planning. Every day, I help my clients find the right path to their financial future that works with their unique lives today and tomorrow. In my free time, I love experimenting with new recipes, traveling to new places, and watching new movies.

About Edelman Financial Engines, LLC

Edelman Financial Engines, LLC

Since 1986, Edelman Financial Engines has been committed to always acting in the best interest of our clients. We were founded on the belief that all American investors - not just the wealthy - deserve access to personalized, comprehensive financial planning and investment advice. Today, we are America's top independent financial planning and investment advisory firm, recognized by Barron's,1 awarded September 2021 based on data within a 12-month period. Compensation paid for use and distribution of rating. We have 145+ offices across the country and are entrusted by more than 1.3 million clients to manage more than $291 billion in assets.2 Our unique approach to serving clients combines our advanced methodology and proprietary technology with the attention of a dedicated personal financial planner. Every client's situation and goals are unique, and the powerful fusion of high-tech and high-touch allows Edelman Financial Engines to deliver the personal plan and financial confidence that everyone deserves. 1The 2021 Top 100 Independent Advisory Firm Ranking issued by Barron's is qualitative and quantitative, including assets managed, revenue generated, regulatory record, staffing levels and diversity, technology spending and succession planning. Firms elect to participate but do not pay to be included in the ranking. Compensation is paid for use and distribution of rating. Investor experience and returns are not considered. 2Data as of Dec. 31, 2021.

Customer Reviews

The client testimonials appearing above may not necessarily be representative of all client experiences with WiserAdvisor. You may click on the number of total reviews hyperlinked above to review the entirety of the reviews WiserAdvisor has received. WiserAdvisor did not pay any compensation in consideration of such reviews.

Top Financial Advisor Firms in Prospect, Kentucky (Ranked by AUM)

Firm Name No. of Advisors No. of Clients AUM Fee Structure
9418 Norton Commons Boulevard, Suite 100, Prospect, KY 40059
9 875 $615,814,747
A Percentage of AUM
10515 Meeting Street, Suite 101, Prospect, KY 40059
4 307 $152,067,113
A Percentage of AUM, Fixed Fees
6324 Meeting Street, Suite 460, Prospect, KY 40059
1 0 $0
A Percentage of AUM, Performance Based

    Select other cities around Prospect, Kentucky to broaden your search for a financial advisor

    Frequently Asked Questions

    The role of a financial advisor is to provide professional financial guidance, advice, and money management services to individuals or businesses. They assist clients in various financial matters, including investment management, retirement planning, wealth management, estate management, and more, depending on the needs of an individual. Financial advisors assess their client's financial goals and risk tolerance and stay updated on market trends, investment options, and regulatory changes to provide informed advice. Additionally, financial advisors often act as fiduciaries, putting their client's best interests first while providing ongoing support and monitoring to help clients achieve their financial objectives. To make sure your best interests are being considered, read more about the role of a fiduciary financial advisor and the support they can provide.

    Many financial advisors in Kentucky are also tax professionals or work closely with tax professionals to help clients with tax planning and optimization. These professionals can help you identify tax-saving strategies and recommend tax-efficient investment options by analyzing your current tax situation. However, the WiserAdvisor directory for the state of Kentucky may not include advisors that specialize in providing tax-related services. In the "Advisory Services Provided" section, you will be able to confirm if tax planning and optimization are among the services an advisor offers.

    A vetted financial advisor in our directory for the state of Kentucky can help you develop an investment strategy that aligns with your goals and risk tolerance. They can provide guidance on how to diversify your portfolio, monitor your investments, and suggest adjustments as needed. Additionally, they can help you navigate market fluctuations and make informed decisions about buying and selling investments. If you are looking to improve your investment portfolio, read on about why professional investment management may be right for you.

    When choosing a financial advisor in Kentucky, it's crucial to avoid common mistakes such as overlooking credentials, neglecting to assess experience and track record, overlooking conflicts of interest, not seeking references or reviews, and neglecting to discuss the advisor's fee structure. By avoiding these mistakes, you can make a more informed decision and select a financial advisor who is qualified, experienced, unbiased, and aligned with your financial goals. To learn more, refer to our guide on choosing the best financial advisor in Kentucky.

    The cost of hiring a financial advisor in Kentucky varies depending on the advisor's experience, services, and fee structure. Some advisors charge a percentage of assets under management, ranging from approx. 1.02% or a fixed rate of approx. $7,500 and above. Meanwhile, other advisors charge an hourly rate, flat fees, or based on commission. It's important to understand the advisor's fee structure and any potential conflicts of interest before engaging in their services. To get a better understanding of how financial advisors charge and the factors influencing their fees, read more on what are the costs of hiring a financial advisor.

    To check if a financial advisor in Kentucky has any disciplinary actions or complaints filed against them, you can use the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority's (FINRA) BrokerCheck tool. This tool enables individuals to complete a thorough background check on financial professionals like brokers, brokerage firms, financial advisors, investment advisors, advising firms, etc. The detailed information provided through BrokerCheck includes their employment history, certifications, licenses, and active or past violations within the last ten years so that you can make an informed decision while hiring an advisor. We recommend using the following guide to learn how to use BrokerCheck to evaluate a financial advisor's credentials.

    Financial advisors in Kentucky offer a wide range of services, including retirement planning, investment management, estate planning, tax planning, insurance planning, and wealth management. The specific services that an advisor offers may depend on their area of expertise, so it's important to find an advisor whose services align with your needs and goals. By clicking on the "View full profile" button of any vetted financial advisor, you can access detailed information about their services, fees, credentials, and more. Read on to better understand how financial advisors can assist you with the various services they provide.

    When evaluating the qualifications of financial advisors in Kentucky, it is important to look for someone who is licensed and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). You may also want to consider their educational background, years of experience, and any relevant certifications, like Certified Financial Planners (CFP), Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA), Chartered Financial Consultants (ChFC), etc. To further explore the various credentials an advisor can hold, read more about advisor designations.

    To ensure that a financial advisor in Kentucky prioritizes your best interests, seek out advisors who adhere to a fiduciary standard, which legally obligates them to act in your best interests and avoid conflicts of interest. When selecting an advisor, inquire about their fiduciary status and how they will consistently prioritize your interests. To make sure your best interests are being considered, learn more about the role of a fiduciary financial advisor and the support they can provide.

    How often you should meet with your financial advisor in Kentucky may depend on your specific financial situation and goals. For complex finances, you may need to meet with your financial advisor weekly or monthly, while for those with regular income and simpler investments, quarterly or annual meetings may be enough. Your advisor can assist in determining the suitable meeting frequency based on your circumstances. Read on to learn more about how often you should meet with your advisor.

    Many financial planners and wealth managers in Kentucky are also tax professionals or work closely with tax professionals to help clients with tax planning and preparation. These professionals can help you minimize your taxes by analyzing your current tax situation, identifying tax-saving strategies, and recommending tax-efficient investment options. However, WiserAdvisor's directory may not include advisors that specialize in taxes. In the "Advisory Services Provided" section, you will be able to confirm if tax advice and tax preparation services are among the services they offer.

    Financial advisors in Kentucky typically use a range of resources and tools to track their client's investments and monitor financial progress. These may include creating regular portfolio reports to summarize investment performance and allocation, as well as utilizing risk assessment tools to help determine clients' risk tolerance and align investment strategies. Notably, the availability of resources can vary based on the advisor's expertise, firm practices, and individual client preferences. Therefore, it's important to inquire about an advisor's investment management process to gain more insight. To learn more, read on about how financial advisors track and monitor your financial goals.

    Yes, a financial advisor in Kentucky can help you prepare for your child's college expenses by analyzing your current financial situation, setting college savings goals, and providing guidance on college savings vehicles, such as the 529 College Savings Plan. Advisors can also help you navigate financial aid options when it is time for your child to go to college. To learn more about effective ways to save for college, read on about the best approaches to plan for a college education.

    When choosing a financial advisor in Kentucky, it's important to consider key factors including an advisor's qualifications, experience, and method of compensation. Additionally, it's important to consider their investment philosophy, approach to financial management, and whether a financial advisor is bound to act in your best interests. To ensure you are making an informed decision and choosing the right financial advisor to manage your finances, we recommend our guide on the 5 things to consider when hiring a financial advisor.

    Yes, there are financial advisors in Kentucky who specialize in helping individuals who are retiring without a retirement plan. These advisors understand the unique challenges faced by individuals in this situation and can provide guidance on creating a financial roadmap for retirement. They may assist in developing strategies to maximize savings, establish a sustainable retirement income, and explore investment options suited for late-stage retirement planning. To gain a deeper understanding of late-life retirement planning, read about how to plan for retirement if you are starting later in life.

    Working with a financial advisor in Kentucky can offer many benefits. As the advisor's client, you can benefit from the advisor's extensive knowledge, experience, and perspective resulting in you gaining peace of mind. Working with a financial advisor can also save you time managing your finances, help minimize investment risks, and potentially increase your investment returns as they can also help you identify areas of financial weakness and recommend strategies for improvement. To learn more, read about the benefits of working with a financial advisor.