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Find Top Financial Advisors in Tulsa, Oklahoma

There are hundreds of financial professionals in your area. However, choosing the right advisor that understands your financial situation and meets your needs may be quite daunting. WiserAdvisor has a network of vetted financial advisors and advisory firms and has listed them below. You can find the details of each advisor, such as their qualifications, service offerings, etc., that you could use while searching for the financial advisor that best suits your financial and investment goals.

We have been in business for the last 2 decades and constantly update and maintain a highly trusted directory of vetted fiduciary advisors that meet rigorous standards.

Finding the Top Financial Advisor in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Last Updated - April 24, 2024

Tulsa has 1 WiserAdvisor vetted Financial Planners and Advisors on the online list below for you to choose from. These financial advisors in Tulsa, Oklahoma have an average of 17 years of experience.

NOTE: The list of vetted financial advisors in Tulsa, Oklahoma mentioned below does not include all the advisors in our network due to their compliance listing restrictions. More vetted advisors may be available when you use our free match service to compare financial advisors near you in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Qualified Financial Advisors in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Financial Advisor Experience AUM Minimum Assets Fee Structure
Thomas "Casey" Loper
2738 E 51st St Suite 200,
Tulsa, OK 74105
17 Years $92,000,000 $250,000 Fee-Based

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Information on Qualified Financial Advisors in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Qualifications CRD# 5199516
Firm CRD# 164666
Series 7, 63

Compensation/Fee Fee-Based, Hourly, Flat Fee, Based on Assets

Office Location 2738 E 51st St Suite 200,
Phone Number 918-779-7338

T. Casey Loper started financial planning at the age of 22 in 2006. He was trained at a national Brokerage firm for the first 12 years of his career and specializes in generating low risk retirement income while growing the assets to combat inflation. Casey's team is growing and includes two CFA's that work off site. Casey has two children and lives in Midtown Tulsa.

About Cornerstone Wealth Management

Cornerstone Wealth Management

Over the years, we have found that a team approach can be an effective method to help clients who have a wide variety of needs as they maneuver through a complex financial-services world. We invite you to discover and experience the power of our services. We believe it has far-reaching benefits for our clients to get opinions from several sources with diverse backgrounds, education, and experience. No one strategy fits everyone, which is why every client gets our undivided attentionfrom planning to execution to follow-up. We take a proactive approach to helping you develop a strategy to address your financial goals and objectives, using the most efficient methods available. Recognizing that everyone encounters challenges along the way, we strive to anticipate and address those situations as they occur. We want to keep you on track toward a meaningful and purpose-driven financial future. We invite you to check out all the material on our website. If something prompts a question, please send us a quick email or call our office. We look forward to speaking with you.

Advisory Services Provided:

Financial Planning, Portfolio Management, Retirement Planning, 401K Rollovers, Wealth Management, Money Management, Risk Management, Education Funding and Planning, Financial Advice & Consulting, Financial Planning for Individuals, Financial Planning for Businesses, Investment Advice & Management, Estate Planning & Trusts

Customer Reviews

The client testimonials appearing above may not necessarily be representative of all client experiences with WiserAdvisor. You may click on the number of total reviews hyperlinked above to review the entirety of the reviews WiserAdvisor has received. WiserAdvisor did not pay any compensation in consideration of such reviews.

Top Financial Advisor Firms in Tulsa, Oklahoma (Ranked by AUM)

Firm Name No. of Advisors No. of Clients AUM Fee Structure
One Williams Center, 15th Floor, Tulsa, OK 74172-0172
49 2223 $9,643,156,437
A Percentage of AUM
2222 South Utica Place, Suite 300, Tulsa, OK 74114
59 2625 $4,258,161,897
A Percentage of AUM, Hourly charges, Fixed Fees
7030 S Yale Ave, #810, Tulsa, OK 74136
23 8 $2,852,439,064
A Percentage of AUM, Performance Based
4521 East 91st Street, Suite 300, Tulsa, OK 74137
3 60 $800,000,000
A Percentage of AUM
One Williams Center, Plaza Southeast, Tulsa, OK 74102
155 3217 $739,298,341
A Percentage of AUM, Hourly charges, Fixed Fees, Commission Based
7304 S. Yale Avenue, Tulsa, OK 74136
22 355 $719,383,135
A Percentage of AUM, Fixed Fees, Performance Based
1924 S. Utica, Suite 1120, Tulsa, OK 74104
6 4 $616,326,212
A Percentage of AUM, Performance Based
4625 E. 91st Street, Tulsa, OK 74137
12 2265 $605,988,706
A Percentage of AUM, Hourly charges
110 North Elgin Avenue, Suite 510, Tulsa, OK 74120
6 416 $593,634,491
A Percentage of AUM, Fixed Fees, Performance Based
4525 East 91st Street, Tulsa, OK 74137
12 1263 $565,873,519
A Percentage of AUM, Hourly charges, Other (SELECTION OF OTHER ADVISERS FEES)
2222 S. Utica Place Suite 200, Tulsa, OK 74114-7000
9 1109 $546,794,508
A Percentage of AUM, Hourly charges, Fixed Fees
6120 S Yale Avenue, Suite 1010, Tulsa, OK 74136
9 1103 $498,629,087
A Percentage of AUM
5424 S. Memorial Drive, Building E, Tulsa, OK 74145
4 1355 $409,429,767
A Percentage of AUM
1203 East 33rd Street, Suite 100, Tulsa, OK 74105
10 1862 $408,705,194
A Percentage of AUM, Fixed Fees
233 South Detroit Avenue, Suite 100, Tulsa, OK 74120
8 384 $374,807,574
A Percentage of AUM, Hourly charges, Performance Based

    Select other cities around Tulsa, Oklahoma to broaden your search for a financial advisor

    Frequently Asked Questions

    To find a verified financial advisor in Oklahoma, we recommend using the free financial advisor match tool to connect with pre-screened and vetted advisors who meet your financial needs. Additionally, conduct thorough research through respected regulatory bodies like FINRA and the SEC to carefully evaluate each advisor's area of expertise, experience, credentials, and background before making a decision. For further information on how to find a verified financial advisor, you can refer to our guide on using the FINRA BrokerCheck tool.

    Financial advisors in Oklahoma offer a wide range of services, including retirement planning, investment management, estate planning, tax planning, insurance planning, and wealth management. An advisor's specific services may depend on their area of expertise, so it's important to find an advisor whose services align with your needs and goals. By clicking on the "View full profile" button of any vetted financial advisor, you can access detailed information about their services, fees, credentials, and more. Read on to better understand how financial advisors can assist you with the various services they provide.

    By working with an advisor in Oklahoma who specializes in providing wealth management services, you can receive assistance in achieving your financial goals through personalized and comprehensive financial planning. The advisor can work closely with you to set clear objectives, devising a tailored financial plan encompassing investment management, tax planning, and risk management strategies. They also will regularly review and adjust the plan to accommodate changing circumstances and market conditions. To further explore how financial advisors listed on our directory for the state of Oklahoma can support you, learn more about the different types of financial advisors and their areas of expertise.

    Oklahoma-based financial advisors may suggest considering inflation-protected/indexed annuities as a potential investment strategy to help hedge against inflation and potentially ensure a more stable retirement. These annuities have the potential to protect and grow your investment in accordance with future inflation rates, potentially providing stable retirement income, reducing the risk of outliving your savings, and offering the possibility of tax deferral advantages during lower tax bracket retirement years. To learn more, read on about the ten retirement investment strategies you need to know.

    How often you should meet with your financial advisor in Oklahoma may depend on your specific financial situation and goals. For complex finances, you may need to meet with your financial advisor weekly or monthly, while for those with regular income and simpler investments, quarterly or annual meetings may be enough. Your advisor can assist in determining the suitable meeting frequency based on your circumstances. Read on to learn more about how often you should meet with your advisor.

    A vetted financial advisor in our directory for the state of Oklahoma can help you develop an investment strategy that aligns with your goals and risk tolerance. They can provide guidance on how to diversify your portfolio, monitor your investments, and suggest adjustments as needed. Additionally, they can help you navigate market fluctuations and make informed decisions about buying and selling investments. If you are looking to improve your investment portfolio, read on about why professional investment management may be right for you.

    The cost of hiring a financial advisor in Oklahoma varies depending on the advisor's experience, services, and fee structure. Some advisors charge a percentage of assets under management, ranging from approx. 1.02% or a fixed rate of approx. $7,500 and above. Meanwhile, other advisors may charge an hourly rate, flat fees, or based on commission. It's important to understand the advisor's fee structure and any potential conflicts of interest before engaging in their services. To get a better understanding of how financial advisors charge and the factors influencing their fees, read more on what are the costs of hiring a financial advisor.

    Yes, a financial advisor in Oklahoma can help you with estate planning by creating a plan that outlines how your assets will be distributed after your death. They can help you create a will, set up trusts, designate beneficiaries, and minimize estate taxes. They can also help you choose a power of attorney and healthcare proxy to make decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated. Read on to better understand how financial advisors listed on our directory can assist you with estate planning in Oklahoma.

    Yes, reading reviews or testimonials from other clients who have worked with a financial advisor in Oklahoma can be helpful when choosing an advisor best suited for your goals. You may also want to consider your specific financial needs, conduct thorough background checks, look for relevant credentials, and research advisor's fee structures. By following these steps, you can make a more informed choice when selecting a financial advisor who meets your specific needs and demonstrates the necessary credentials and ethical standards. For more information, refer to this guide on choosing the best financial advisor.

    Yes, a financial advisor in Oklahoma can provide guidance on local tax strategies and exemptions unique to the state. Oklahoma has its state tax laws and regulations, including income tax, property tax, and other local taxes. A knowledgeable financial advisor in Oklahoma can help individuals and businesses navigate these specific tax requirements, identify potential tax-saving opportunities, and ensure compliance with local tax laws. To learn more, read about how a financial advisor can help you manage your finances.

    Financial advisors in Oklahoma often recommend several strategies for retirement planning to ensure a secure future. These strategies may include:

    - Diversified Investments: Advisors suggest diversifying your investment portfolio to manage risk and maximize returns.

    - Regular Contributions: Consistently contribute to retirement accounts, such as 401(k)s or IRAs, to build a substantial retirement nest egg.

    - Tax-Efficient Withdrawals: Plan for tax-efficient withdrawals during retirement by understanding the tax implications of different retirement accounts.

    - Asset Allocation: Advisors help determine the right mix of assets based on your risk tolerance and retirement goals.

    - Long-Term Care Planning: They may recommend long-term care insurance or strategies to address potential health care costs in retirement.

    - Social Security Optimization: Advisors can assist in optimizing your Social Security benefits for maximum lifetime income.

    To ensure you are making an informed decision to secure your future in retirement, explore the ten retirement investment strategies you need to know.

    A financial advisor in Oklahoma can assist with retirement planning by assessing your current financial situation, including income, expenses, assets, and liabilities, to determine your retirement goals and estimate the amount of savings required. They can then develop a personalized retirement plan tailored to your specific needs, considering factors like your desired retirement age, lifestyle expectations, and risk tolerance. Advisors can help you choose appropriate retirement accounts, such as IRAs or 401(k)s, and guide you in making investment decisions to grow your retirement savings. They can also analyze your Social Security benefits and provide the guidance you need for a successful retirement. If you are seeking to learn more about how a financial advisor can help you secure your financial future in retirement, learn more about why you should hire a retirement advisor.

    Yes, there are financial advisors in Oklahoma who specialize in working with specific industries or professions. Whether you're a medical professional, business owner, athlete, or in other specialized fields, you may benefit from the assistance of a financial advisor. These financial professionals can offer tailored guidance due to their deep understanding of industry-specific financial challenges and opportunities. When searching for a financial advisor with experience in a specific industry or profession, it's essential to research their background, qualifications, and expertise to ensure they have the necessary knowledge to address your financial goals and challenges effectively. To further explore how financial advisors listed on our directory for the state of Oklahoma can support you, learn more about the different types of financial advisors and their areas of expertise.

    Yes, a financial advisor in Oklahoma can assist with philanthropic planning and charitable giving. They can help you develop a philanthropic strategy that aligns with your values and financial goals, as well as provide guidance on charitable giving options, such as establishing a donor-advised fund or creating a charitable trust. They can also help you incorporate charitable planning into your overall financial plan and provide guidance on selecting the right charities to support. To learn more about how an advisor can assist you, read more about charitable planning strategies.

    Yes, there are financial advisors in Oklahoma who specialize in helping individuals who are retiring without a retirement plan. These advisors understand the unique challenges faced by individuals in this situation and can provide guidance on creating a financial roadmap for retirement. They may assist in developing strategies to maximize savings, establish a sustainable retirement income, and explore investment options suited for late-stage retirement planning. To gain a deeper understanding of late-life retirement planning read on about how to plan for retirement if you started late.